Debias - Removing Bias in the News

How do I use Debias?

Debias is a specialized tool designed to identify and mitigate bias in news articles. Follow these steps to enhance the objectivity of your content:

  1. Input News Content:

   Paste your story into the "News Content Input" field. Please, note this is not designed for analysing long texts/stories. Short texts work better and are highly recommended. 

  1. Identify Bias Type:

   Choose the category of bias you wish to address, such as gender, racism, religion, economic status, or other broad topics.

  1. Source Verification:

   Specify the source of your content, if possible.

  1. Debias Your Content:

Click the "Debias the News" button to obtain an improved, objective version of your story.

Please note the warning that reads: "The provided response is AI generated. We encourage human moderation as it may contain some errors."

Read the reasons provided as justification for the Debiasing conducted. If not please, try again until you are satisfied.


If you are using a smartphone, ensure that you are in the landscape mode. If you prefer the portrait mode, still go to landscape to increase the text area before reverting to your prefered setting.